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Jayshree Ullal takes the helm of Arista Networks

By Colin McNamara
November 17, 2008
1 min read
Jayshree Ullal takes the helm of Arista Networks

The speculation is over, Jayshree Ullal former Senior Vice President in charge of Data Center, Switching, and Security groups for Cisco Systems is now the CEO of Arista Networks. Why she made that change is best by her on her blog:

It is truly my pleasure and honor to join Arista Networks as the President and CEO of the company. I have known founders, Andy Bechtolsheim and David Cheriton for a decade and worked with them closely during their Granite/Cisco days. To me, Arista is a symbol of an exciting, innovative silicon valley start-up company at the brink of pioneering new models for cloud networking.

After corporate life and managing multibillion dollars of business at Cisco Systems, you might ask why I chose Arista Networks? Three things really drew me here:

  1. A top-notch and talented team, with focus on best of breed products and innovative EOS™ (Extensible Operating System) technology.
  2. Working with Andy Bechtolsheim, and our long-standing 20+ year professional kinship.
  3. A truly unique opportunity in our industry to build and grow into a great company!

Inside of Cisco Jayshree proved herself as a leader that could get results. There was even speculation that she was tagged to be John Chambers eventual replacement. I have a feeling the same qualities that drove her success inside of Cisco will follow her as she explores this new opportunity.




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Colin McNamara

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